Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Web work & A Gusher!

Got a new page up on the website, it's on the RV Projects page. For those who might be interested it's regarding doin' a retrofit kit to electrify a gas water heater. I did this several months ago, just had to write it up, upload the pic's, organize it & get 'er published to the site. This is how I spend my free time dodgin' the hot weather outside. It works for me but the other half sometimes thinks I should be doin' something else. Like what? It's hot out!

I'm hopin' we're headin' out of here come the middle of next month, to where we're not sure. For that matter we don't really care as long as it's cooler than here, and green. Linda really can't take the heat outside, what with her "atomic hot flashes". We thought about takin' our granddaughter with us but that don't look like it's gonna materialize this summer. We thought about cuttin' some new trails and seein' some new country along the coast, but that aint happenin'. The temps there are just as high or worse than here. Looks like we'll be amblin' towards the mountains an headin' up the spine of the Appalachians through Virginia & West 'By God' Virginia, where the nights are cool and the sun don't try to shrink yer brain through yer noggin in the daytime. Maybe we'll try some of the Blue Ridge, maybe we'll stick to the little black squiggles from Mr. Rand McNally. Maybe our path will take us into the Alleghenies to visit family and friends there, just dont know and it doesn't really matter as long as we can enjoy the fresh air, take a hike every couple 'o' days and see some country. There's two National Forests in VA that occupy close to two million acres and I'd like to do some 'Dispersed Camping' there. Ya'll know I love to dry camp and just get away fer a spell into the wilds, where ever that may be.

Joined some friends for Lunch in town today, passed the bank on the way, Temperature a balmy 96 degrees. After lunch we ran some errands, Tag for our dump trailer, Library, paid the truck insurance. Tommorow I hope to haul some road material for our road. If we want to ever sell this place we have to get the people here, right. One of our errands was to the RV man to get some 'o' those little black catches that that are used on the refrigerator access panel on the outside of your RV. Guess them suckers must be comin' from Saudi Arabia, cause they set me back $4.78 each, sheeesh.

We got home just as it started to sprinkle and then it rained for a hour.

Rain Lake

This was the results of the shower

I'm sure we got 4-5 inches in that short time. some of the pigs were floatin' so I had to do somethin' with that. well I'm off to do some chores now that the rain has stopped.

Se ya as we're Dancin' on the Wind


Sunday, June 15, 2008

Just Another Day

First I Like to say "Happy Fathers Day" to all the the fathers out there. I not sure I get this posted this morning with the doin's we got goin' today. Got to assist with makin' salads fer a shindig we're attendin' this afternoon. So if I don't get posted belated Happy Fathers Day then.

How right I was, sometimes things just have to take a back seat. As I was writin' that first paragraph our niece is comin thru the door for a visit. We haven't seen her and her 2 children in months as they live down south away's. We Talked with her and played with the kids for a while then took them out to see the new piggys. See last week we had a new litter of pigs again. These look like they have more domestic pig than the last ones, broader in the face and shorter snout. There still cute though.

Oreo's Kids

These are for you Amy

Sorry but they were runnin' around like little indians and this is the best shot I could get of all of them. They were runnin' around & around then they would push each other with they're snouts. It kinda looked like 'snout joustin'. I got a little video but can't seem to get it uploaded, but you know me, It aint got me beat yet.

After our visit it was time to get ready fer the shindig we're invited to today. It's a combination birthday/graduation party for Cassie's younger brother. Cassie's brother just graduated from the St. Augustine School for the Deaf and he's soon on his way to college out west. There was plenty of food and desserts and yours truly ate to much. They're Mom is from Honduras and there was plenty of ethnic foods to try, I just tried too much.

Not much time left in this day so I'll sign off fer now.

Maybe we'll see ya down the road as we're

 Dancin'on the Wind

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Bidin' My Time

Well it's just gettin' too hot outside fer a fella like me, 90's are the norm everyday. Even when the thermometer says it's upper 80's my body & my noggin says it's at least 90. Bout' the only thing gets done around here by me is to mow this two acres of grass when it needs it. Thank the man upstairs we haven't had the normal rains yet that cause the grass to grow like wildfire, requirin' bi-weekly mowin'. It's gettin' to expensive to run that mower around fer 6 hours to often. I tried adaptin' my Slow Down and save fuel policy to the mowin', but all it did is stretch out the time to Get 'er Done, and used more gas.

Was up early, fer me, this morning, 6:30, had my first cup 'o' Heart startin' COFFEE. Then commenced to takin' on washin' the truck, something that was needin' to be done. It's just so hot during the day, I  get the water on it and commence to washin'  while I'm watchin' the soap & water dryin' on it. Really makes fer some pretty lookin' windows, with all that white streaky stuff. Even at that hour I could only do a small section, like a fender, before it's time to rinse. Well at this slow pace it was takin' a while and about 2/3 'o' the way through, I didn't know who was leakin' more water, the Sponge or Me! I got 'er done, not the thorough washin' I like to do, but it's clean and don't have no Love bugs stuck on her. By then Linda was up an' wantin' to fix me some breakfast which sounded real good, 'cept fer the fact that I was hotter than a **#+##:!! I stood under a ceiling fan and cooled off some after removing my t-shirt, not a pretty site.

After a hearty breakfast of bacon & eggs, I decided I'd done my time in he_ _ for the day and went to workin' on the website. I got a lot more albums uploaded from our Alaska trip in '07, just a couple a more to go before I'm startin' on ID, MT, WY, SD, CO, NE, IA, IL, ID & then some. I been tweakin' the links all over the site and on the Blog so they always open in a new window. Nothin I hate worse than clickin' on a link, that leads to another link and findin' myself gone from the site I that had my interest in the first place. Besides that's no way to build traffic to your site, havin' 'em click away and be gone. I don't declare to be a web guru, and when it comes to HTML I'm teachin myself how to edit code as I go along. Some links I'm still fightin' with but I'm not about to let it beat me, I'll get it sooner or later. I got a neat little tool for the Blog last week called "Windows Live Writer" that lets me compose in the same format as Blogger. It has lots more features than Blogger itself as far as formatting. Now thanks to this program, all my links will open in a new window. I was havin' troubles composing off line, and then uploadin', everything would get screwy and I'd have to re-edit it online , took a lot of time. So if your needin' some new readin' or lookin' to view some breathtaking pictures, why not stop by the website an check it out fer' your own self. Dancin' on the Wind

Well my 'Wanderlust' is startin' to get to me, and the heat don't help, cause I know we have to travel a ways to find some cooler temps. It's not worth takin' any kind of trip within 3-400 miles cause we'll end up stayin' in the A/C of the camper, not my idea of fun. Well I'm just trying to bear it until we can say goodbye to this sandbar for the remainder of the summer.

Hope to see ya down the road, as were Dancin' on the Wind

PS. To our good friend & loyal fan, Amy, I'll post some new baby pictures next time.