Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Web work & A Gusher!

Got a new page up on the website, it's on the RV Projects page. For those who might be interested it's regarding doin' a retrofit kit to electrify a gas water heater. I did this several months ago, just had to write it up, upload the pic's, organize it & get 'er published to the site. This is how I spend my free time dodgin' the hot weather outside. It works for me but the other half sometimes thinks I should be doin' something else. Like what? It's hot out!

I'm hopin' we're headin' out of here come the middle of next month, to where we're not sure. For that matter we don't really care as long as it's cooler than here, and green. Linda really can't take the heat outside, what with her "atomic hot flashes". We thought about takin' our granddaughter with us but that don't look like it's gonna materialize this summer. We thought about cuttin' some new trails and seein' some new country along the coast, but that aint happenin'. The temps there are just as high or worse than here. Looks like we'll be amblin' towards the mountains an headin' up the spine of the Appalachians through Virginia & West 'By God' Virginia, where the nights are cool and the sun don't try to shrink yer brain through yer noggin in the daytime. Maybe we'll try some of the Blue Ridge, maybe we'll stick to the little black squiggles from Mr. Rand McNally. Maybe our path will take us into the Alleghenies to visit family and friends there, just dont know and it doesn't really matter as long as we can enjoy the fresh air, take a hike every couple 'o' days and see some country. There's two National Forests in VA that occupy close to two million acres and I'd like to do some 'Dispersed Camping' there. Ya'll know I love to dry camp and just get away fer a spell into the wilds, where ever that may be.

Joined some friends for Lunch in town today, passed the bank on the way, Temperature a balmy 96 degrees. After lunch we ran some errands, Tag for our dump trailer, Library, paid the truck insurance. Tommorow I hope to haul some road material for our road. If we want to ever sell this place we have to get the people here, right. One of our errands was to the RV man to get some 'o' those little black catches that that are used on the refrigerator access panel on the outside of your RV. Guess them suckers must be comin' from Saudi Arabia, cause they set me back $4.78 each, sheeesh.

We got home just as it started to sprinkle and then it rained for a hour.

Rain Lake

This was the results of the shower

I'm sure we got 4-5 inches in that short time. some of the pigs were floatin' so I had to do somethin' with that. well I'm off to do some chores now that the rain has stopped.

Se ya as we're Dancin' on the Wind


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