Thursday, October 2, 2008

Maryville & Cumberland Mountain St. Pk.

We left Philpot Lake and traveled down the road fer a surprise visit to our friends in Maryville, TN. We figured we had plenty o' time till they got home so we went to see Sam Houston's school house here in Maryville. Seems Sam was born in VA and when his father died his mother relocated the family to Maryville. Sam always admired the Cherokee and lived with the tribe learnin' their ways for about two year. Sam was a consummate reader and eventually taught school here for a couple of years. His students ranged from youngsters to adults. He is the only man in history, to hold the office of Governor in two different states. He was instrumental in the state of Texas reachin' independence from Mexico.


Sam's one room school house.

Amy & Randy had no idea we were comin' and we wanted to sneak in on them. We made a stop at Wally World and picked up a pizza so's we'd have more visitin' time. Well it just so happened that Randy wasn't workin' today, so the surprise was watered down a bit. But we enjoyed visitin' with them, as always, and we'll sneak back maybe another time.




A visit with good friends.



We left Amy & Randy's and put in a call to some friends we had not seen in a couple of years. We had met Margie & Odean when we wintered in a park in FL in 2005. Since that year we have tried to catch up with them in FL every winter but they have had quite a busy two years, and we could never connect. After trying their home, we called their cell and Margie answered. Well they were not at home , but campin' in Cumberland Mountain State Park, about 30 miles away. So we motored on down the road to meet. It was a wonderful reunion and we stayed with them for three days, talkin' eatin' & reminiscin'. We left them with the promise to get together at the end of the month at their home in Spring City, TN.

We'll see what tomorrow brings. Hope to see ya down the road as we're;

Dancin' on the Wind.

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